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Featuring a wide variety of in-app minigames to make users enjoy their experience and play in a PVP environment
The minigames will also feature protocol fees levied from the pool of the game, linked to the denomination of the game played and the format chosen (Casual Match vs Competitive Match)
These fees will go to $CAGE stakers (60%) and protocol treasury (40%)
Here an example!
CASUAL MATCH (Single Round)
0.01 ETH
2.5 %
0.1 ETH
2 %
1.5 %
COMPETITIVE MATCH (Three Rounds, features side-deck)
<1 ETH
>1 ETH
Each round, you'll have the choice to draw a "move," a card featuring a number from 1 to 10, and a stylized technique like "uppercut," "light jab," "armbar," etc.
Once you draw, you can choose between drawing again and then passing your turn or passing the turn without further drawing after the first one.
As in blackjack, you want to go bigger than the opponent without going beyond 21
Your overall score will be shown by an "energy bar," akin to a fighting game, and it will slowly grow as you draw cards. But be careful of not going over 21, your fighter will get exhausted and lose.